1 You get the newsletter that lets you know what’s going on
2 You get discounts on workshops
3 You get the “at cost” price for the retreat
4 You get a voice for who will be in leadership
5 You get a voice for what activities the guild does
6 You get access to a zoom account for the guild
7 You get access to our great library
8 You get access to equipment rental
9 You get access to members only info on our webpage (this is a new convenient way to access the directory, the bylaws, current newsletter, etc so you don’t have to scroll through past emails or email one of the officers)
10 You can associate with other spinners, make friendships, hang out with really cool people.
11 You have the chance to be in a leadership position
12 You can participate in activities like Fiber of the Month, Dye Exchange etc
13 You may learn new skills at our monthly meetings or at retreat
14 You may mentor someone with skills and knowledge you have.
15 You may be mentored by a friend in a skill you want to learn.
Dues are Due! $35 for the year. You can use paypal to wasatchwoolpack@gmail.com or bring money to a guild meeting.