One of the benefits belonging to the Wasatch Woolpack Handspinning Guild is our library. The guild has a couple hundred books that members can check out. Nickie is our librarian and she is going to hold several open houses over the next few months to see what books the guild has and check some out….
Spinning Saturdays and Field Trips
We have some Spinning Saturdays and Field Trips planned. If you want to volunteer your home for a Spinning Saturday or have an idea for a field trip, let the new president Nickie know. Spinning Saturdays are low key meetings where we meet at someone’s house and spin or work on projects. These are drop…
Upcoming Guild Meetings
October 15th: We will talk about storage and use of garden plants for dyeing fibers. November 19th: A guest speaker will talk about spinning cotton using the Long draw method. December 17th: We will follow up on the topi of long draw and have our Christmas Party. A gift exchange will be available for those…
Attention – June Meeting Change
The June meeting will be on the 2nd Tuesday of the month instead of the usual 3rd Tuesday. Remember, come on the JUNE 11, we will not be there on the 18th. We changed the meeting week because the normal meeting day is so close to retreat. Hopefully we’ll see you at the Viridian Event…
Retreat Sign Up Time
It’s time to sign up for this year’s retreat. Lisa sent the sign up form to the membership email list and you can also find it in the Facebook group. This year retreat will be June 19 – 23 at Notlwonk Springs again. Sign ups are limited, so don’t wait too long before filling out…
Art Yarn Homework
Our wonderful president Christine asked guild members to try making Art Yarn and bring it to the April 2024 meeting. It was so fun to see all the different yarns that people brought. I think I missed getting pictures of a few of the yarns, so if I missed photographing your yarn, you can send…
Upcoming Spinning Saturdays
Spinning Saturdays are low key meetings where we meet at someone’s house and spin or work on projects. These are drop in when you can and stay as long as you want or the host says it’s over. There is a potluck lunch, so bring some food to share. We will have one at Christine’s…
Prep for October Meeting
Our October meeting will be on plying. For those of you who will be participating, and I hope most of you will, there are some things you need to prepare beforehand and bring to the meeting. I envision this activity to be like a “speed plying” event. where we separate into groups and focus on one of…
15 Reasons For Being A Guild Member
1 You get the newsletter that lets you know what’s going on 2 You get discounts on workshops 3 You get the “at cost” price for the retreat 4 You get a voice for who will be in leadership 5 You get a voice for what activities the guild does 6 You get access to a zoom account for the guild…
September BBQ!
September’s meeting is an end to summer BBQ! Come and enjoy friendships, good food, and relax and spin on Tuesday September 19th. We will be meeting at the small pavilion in the park just North and west of the Viridian Center. We were unable to get the large pavilion so we will need you to…