Elections will be held in May. We need nominations by the end of AprilIf you would like to be an officer in the guild (please!) send Christine an email ortext. THANKS! Positions Open with no yet nominees: Vice President, NewsletterEditor.
In this current world many of us are experiencing extreme overwhelm and burnout. I know that RETREAT 2023!!!!! Is something we are all looking forward to for a recharge. After several amazing years coordinated by Brandie and Rebecca, (HUGE thanks ladies,) the baton is being passed. I am putting out a call to form a…
March 21: Spinning Wheel Dating
Unfortunately, our February meeting was canceled due to the big snow storm that night. We were going to see a demonstration on core spinning, but we will need to wait for another time. If you are participating in Fiber of the Month, bring your fiber in March and Lisa will give you 2 different fibers….
February 21 Meeting
Join us for the next exciting Wasatch Woolpack meeting at the Viridian Event Center in West Jordan at 6:30 p.m. Our own Jodi will be demoing how to make core spun art yarn.
January 17, 2023 Meeting
Join us at the 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 17th for our next meeting at the Viridian Events Center. The theme of this month is Bits, Bobs and Batts. Barb Ishamatsu will be demoing batts on a drum carder. Feel free to bring some bits of fiber you have laying around and we might have…
Christmas Party
We will have our Christmas Party on December 20 at the Viridian Center. Dig up a sweater to bring because the theme is “Ugly Sweater.” Your sweater doesn’t need to be a holiday one and you can add embellishments for the party. There will be a contest with prizes. Also bring a gift for the…
November Meeting
In November, we will have a demonstration on making Recycled Nuno Felted Scarfs. I’m excited to see how it’s done!
Dehairing – October 2022
We met at the Viridian Center on October 18. Lisa and Darlene showed us how they dehair fibers that have stiff coarse guard hair. The fiber of the month is qiviut.
Spinning Saturdays
We are bringing back Spinning Saturdays! The next two will be January 14th and February 11th. Members are invited to bring something to share for lunch and something to work on. Then we have a great time working on projects and catching up with each other. Check out the newsletter or the members page for…